Ms. April, originally from New Jersey, embarked on an impressive journey after high school by joining the Marine Corps, where she served for nine years as a Military Police Officer. During her time in service, she earned her Associate in Arts degree from Coastal Carolina Community College. She later attended the University of North Carolina Wilmington, majoring in Criminology with a minor in Forensic Chemistry.
A dedicated mother of two, Ms. April transitioned to education after the birth of her youngest child. She spent four years working in the Onslow County School System as a Substitute Teacher and Exceptional Child Teacher Assistant. Her connection to Montessori Children’s School (MCS) began as a substitute teacher, followed by a year as a Teacher Assistant, and she will now be stepping into the role of Classroom Floater.
Outside of her professional life, Ms. April enjoys an active lifestyle, sharing her love for hiking, swimming, kayaking, and other outdoor activities with her children.